Rajka Kupesic
The White Ballets
As she did with Karen Kain's version of the Nutcracker, Kupesic translates her years of dancing into artwork that gives the feeling of classical ballet itself, beautifully balancing the structure and formality of the dance with movement,fluidity and grace. Feet have the perfect curve,legs the correct turnout, the neck and hand are expressively positioned just so. All of this movement takes place within a traditional one, or two-pagespreadoutlinedin formal borders.Her palette is rich and bold,with deep dark blues, reds and golds.But throughout,there is the light of hope in the form of the delicat corps de balletic their shimmering costumes and the ever-present moon,representing the maiden, mother and crone, "a symbol of felinity, purity, luminous paintings and they truly shine. This lovely book will delight lovers of the ballets well as as those who love a beautifully illustrated fairy story
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